联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101
Bio desulfurization is a process that utilizes microbial catalysis to convert sulfides (such as H2S, thiols, disulfides, etc.) into elemental sulfur or sulfate. It mainly involves the biocatalysis of microorganisms, which convert organic or inorganic sulfides into easily treatable sulfides or elemental sulfur through specific microorganisms.
The biological desulfurization process mainly includes the following steps:
1. 微生物吸附:硫化物首先被微生物细胞表面的吸附物质(如细胞壁、细胞外聚合物等)吸附。
1. Microbial adsorption: Sulfides are first adsorbed by the adsorbed substances on the surface of microbial cells, such as cell walls, extracellular polymers, etc.
2. 代谢降解:硫化物进入细胞后,微生物通过特定的代谢途径将其分解。在这个过程中,硫化物被转化为微生物生长所需的能量和养分。
2. Metabolic degradation: After sulfides enter cells, microorganisms break them down through specific metabolic pathways. During this process, sulfides are converted into the energy and nutrients required for microbial growth.
3. 硫酸盐生成:微生物将硫化物转化为硫酸盐或单质硫,并通过代谢过程将这些物质排出细胞外。
3. Sulfate generation: Microorganisms convert sulfides into sulfates or elemental sulfur, and excrete these substances out of the cell through metabolic processes.
Biological desulfurization is the process of using sulfur oxidizing bacteria or sulfur reducing bacteria to degrade sulfur-containing compounds. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria oxidize sulfides to sulfates, while sulfur reducing bacteria reduce sulfates to sulfides. These bacteria produce enzymes through metabolic processes to convert sulfides into harmless sulfates or sulfides.
Biological desulfurization is a process that utilizes the enzyme system within the organism to act on specific microorganisms to reduce or remove sulfur-containing compounds. The principle mainly involves the following aspects:
1. 硫氧化作用:一些特定的微生物(如厌氧硫氧化菌和嗜热厌氧微生物)可以利用硫氧化酶将硫化物(如硫化氢)氧化为硫酸盐或元素硫。这一过程产生的硫酸盐或元素硫是不溶于水的,可以沉淀或随微生物体外排出。
1. Sulfur oxidation: Some specific microorganisms (such as anaerobic sulfur oxidizing bacteria and thermophilic anaerobic microorganisms) can use sulfur oxidase to oxidize sulfides (such as hydrogen sulfide) into sulfates or elemental sulfur. The sulfate or elemental sulfur produced in this process is insoluble in water and can precipitate or be excreted with microorganisms outside the body.
2. 硫还原作用:另一些特定微生物(如嗜硫还原菌和厌氧反硫酸盐还原菌)可以利用硫酸盐作为电子受体,将硫酸盐还原为硫化物。这一过程可以将硫酸盐还原成较低含硫的硫化物,从而降低了硫化物的含量。
2. Sulfur reduction: Some specific microorganisms, such as sulfur reducing bacteria and anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria, can use sulfate as an electron acceptor to reduce sulfate to sulfides. This process can reduce sulfates to lower sulfur sulfides, thereby reducing the content of sulfides.
3. 脱硫酶作用:一些微生物体内存在特定的脱硫酶,可以将含硫化合物中的硫原子释放出来,从而使硫化合物变得不活性或更易挥发。这一过程可以促进硫化合物的分解和转化。
3. Function of desulfurizing enzymes: Some microorganisms have specific desulfurizing enzymes that can release sulfur atoms from sulfur-containing compounds, making them inactive or more volatile. This process can promote the decomposition and transformation of sulfur compounds.
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